Hi all,
Another month another blog I guess. Painting has slowed, but preparation work has taken place, with more Napoleonics for Pat going onto the table, meanwhile I have build the Perry Plastic British and French, then set about the Victrix French box, OMG what a nightmare in comparison to the Perrys. The poses don’t necessarily build a marching unit either, and I do like my French to be marching to glory, while the British firing poses makes sense., still have the Victrix British to build….. not sure what to do with them either, probably skirmish games. The perrys I think I will keep for making into the start of my big Napoleonic collection tho, which is very much on the back burner till there are more plastic options.
The new victrix Highlanders look too good not to get some sooner than later….
But the French heavy Cavalry from Perrys looks like the next purchase, especially if I do take the ACW stuff and Imagination it… thinking of doing something with the old Grande Army rules and Based units similar to the Impetus sizes, so approx 10cm by 5cm for most units, with 4 cavalry or 10 infantry, with officer, drummer or standard bearers on the bases giving bonus to activation. Which would give me around 25 bases of infantry and 6 of Light cavalry to play around with straight out of the boxes… so no dent in the wallet just yet, oh and with Victrix having British Foot and Horse artillery boxes available inside the year will mean adding cheap artillery is going to be easy.
Need to start shifting some of the painted stuff I have been getting thru, just not sure on what is going to be the best way forward, not liking Ebay or trusting Bring n buys anymore… any suggestions welcome! With my job (well me really) receiving a redundancy notice I will need to either generate some painting orders or sell my stuff to bring some cash in, hobby will move to the back boiler for a while, still the packages look nice and will cover the mortgage for a couple of months, hopefully the job market will improve next year too…. If not then there will be plenty of painting time… see looking on the bright side there!!
take care all
Shipyards Update 2: Naval Warfare Bases
5 hours ago