Well, i have been ill... well, had the lurgy that is sweeping Britain, but i may be out of the other end of it now, I have managed to paint 7 Generals and 5 building, I have started 144 Ancinets figures too, but not finished any... so no Salute Mega Bring N Buy payouts for me... meh
Will attempt to finish the 18 Artillery Crew for Mike, will drop them off to his 20mm ACW game at Salute.
Mainly been playing FOG, but now have found 'Impetus' known by us as TIG or The Italian Game, will be doing something for Wargames Journal in the near future involving TIG, tho it will in 15mm.... so Romans in 10mm, 28mm and now 15mm... to go with the free plastic one i got with WI this month, which looks ok to be honest, a bit on the slight side, if say that Front Rank figures are stocky then youll get what i mean.
Did a revue of 'Beneath the Lily Banners' for the Journal this week, wont spoil it for you all here, just to say i dont think my revue will dent the sales of these rules, shame my figures are just behind the period, still with a bit of tinkering i might get way with it.
off for food, cheers
WW2 - Italian Infantry
2 hours ago
speaking of your (tricorned) figures, precisely...
Best wishes,
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