Well only 9 figures left on the commission, 4 cheerleaders and 5 MVPs to go, been a slog but it's nearly there...
World War Z .... ****/5 it's good and a must for zombie fans, the science didn't add up for me, but the action was bang on, runners I can cope with, long range health monitoring? Pfft
Figures for sale? The ancients are going on the back burner and I am gonna fire up some Naps. Painted figures for sale at a bring n buy near you soon.... Need les mis tickets for Christmas, come on we can get there !!!!
Admissions .... ***/5 not the funniest film, no one got offended, More knocked up than hangover...
Man of Steel .... ****/5 better than iron man 3 but not as good as Avengers, will there be a Justice League film off the back? Probably, doubt they will go solo tho, especially with Aquaman lol
Oh well, better get on then...
Judge Dredd
32 minutes ago