Ever since I started in the hobby I have painted ultimately knowing I am going to sell them to fund the next project.
It started in 1989 with a minifig Samurai army .... And it's continued until last year when I sold of my 28mm Roman Army... And next year will probably see my unplayed with ACW armies being recycled... And it is really recycling as once I skim some off for bills I do end up replacing the figures or buying others.
Currently in my lead/plastic pile are
14boxes of WGF tricorns
10boxes Victrix Greek Hoplites
5boxes WGF Ceasars Romans
4boxes Perry French Infantry, 2 Currassier, 1 Hussar, 1 Dragoon,
1 British Infantry,
1 Victrix Austrian
6boxes assort Perry ACW, to go with the boxes already painted and based
7boxes assorted Perry WOTR
4boxes Perry Answar
3boxes Conflict? Norman Cavalry
360 WGF Plastic Persian Infantry
Renegade 28mm Romans 5 unit bags
Renegade 28mm Celts 5 unit Bags
renegade 28mm Saxons 5 unit bags
crusader 28mm Normans - lots
artizan 28mm Viking
renegade 28mm Napoleonic British.... A mistake 2 Bags
28mm Renegade WW1 units, for AVBCW.... Including Artillery and Cavalry and Germans
28mm Warlord and Renegade WW2 Units
28mm Foundry FPW Armies.... Big Armies
15mm PSC tanks US GB GER... Lots
15mm WW2 infantry from Battlefront - metal and plastics
10mm Celts, Romans, Macedonians, Persians, Greeks
10mm AVBCW - 4 Armies
10mm 7YW armies - blue and white
And then there is the GW LOTR, Fantasy and 40k
28mm Mantic Dwarves, Undead
GW Warmaster Orcs, High Elves
And the Mechwarrior, Hero Clix and 40mm LOTR prepainted plastic
I'm scared... LOL... All bought and paid for... All for projects that started, faltered and died... So what have I sold?
28mm Zulus - hundreds not thousands .... And the opposing British
28mm Romans - 10 cohorts plus auxilia etc
28mm ACW - both sides - twice
28mm AWI - both sides - three times
Ditched all the 15mm stuff unpainted mostly... Just remembered 15mm Medievals and Celt Warband and Samurai Armies are still on the roster
So what am I saying..... This is why I paint commissions now I think :)
More of the Frost Haven commission.
4 hours ago
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