Well I tried to write this end of year piece on the ups and downs of the year, but for some reason the iPad wont let me create blog posts.... probably need an upgrade to be as good as it was before when it did allow me to post.
Bit of a slow start to the year on the painting front but a surge of activity post Salute in April meant a steady flow of figures were pushed through from both the lead pile and from a large commission. didnt quite make the thousand points mark but with December needing 130 odd points I found myself stuck, literally sticking with glue.... 80 WW2 15mm vehicles from PSC, Zvezda and 2 box sets of the new FOW means that 2013 may be a FOWFest if i can find some opponents at the slowly revamping club.
The Sale of my painted Roman Army funded this years hobby, along with the car insurance and road tax, but means I no longer have a 28mm painted Ancient Army, which gathers dust but made me feel like a real wargamer. The painting of my Plastic Perry ACW Infantry does mean I get to keep a toe in the real hobby that seems to elude most of the current club trends in gaming.
Big at the club has been 40k and Dreadball, with forays into Saga and Muskets and Tomahawks, but an upsurge of new members has meant the club has a new lease of life, if it comes with a different 'vibe'.
Home gaming was non existant and playing more Hex games didnt happen at all. I need to form a plan to paint up more 10mm units and get the HEXON2 Terrain out again.
January seems to be all about planning on most other blogs and recommitting to the hobby, but to me that just places a bit of pressure into what should be a lot of fun.
2013 - play more, paint more, have fun.
WW2 - Italian Infantry
2 hours ago
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