Sunday, 29 June 2014

Bodget and scarper

This month is mixed bag of painting

100 points of Napoleonic bits n pieces to be made into diaramas

And then a project starter for an old customer

Back to tricorns !!!
 30 figure units using RSM95s

Rebase  2 painted units - 20 points
Rebase and partial paint to match 2 units - 30 points
Rebase and paint to match 2 units - 45 points

6 units down, 2 to go on part 1,  16 odd units to go by the end of the year, including cavalry and artillery, plus some commanders.

The month started with an Austrian Artillery park ... 40 points.

Next month, more tricorns and a forest full of celts...

Friday, 13 June 2014

Whats been going on...

Work paint sleep repeat

The Austrian Artillery park is done.... 100 Paint Points

NExt up are some vignette pieces, mostly French Napoleonic... Anther 100 pieces, half done

10mm Newline Design Ancient units x4 for the display stand

Nearly half way Through the year and nearly 700 finished paint points... So on target for the pledge :)

Kee eep paintin

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Liebster Smeibster

Thanks to Brushesandbases for the Liebster Award nomination


I have now to complete the following small tasks:

  • Copy and paste the award on your blog linking to the blogger who has given it to you
  • Pass the award to your top 11 blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment one of their posts to notify then that they have won the award and listing them on your own blog
  • Sit back and bask in the warm fuzzy feeling that comes that knowing you have made someones day!
  • There is no obligation to pass this onto someone else but it's nice if you take the time to do so.
The next part is to answer the following questions

1. Why did you start blogging?
Initially as an Imagi-Nations blog, but now it's a track for 'The Pledge' ... That's 1000  painted figures per year, of the 28mm variety(or equivalent in mm of lead).

2. If you could change one thing about the wargaming hobby, what would it be?
Hmmm, Wargamers? Some of their attitudes stink... And at conventions not only the the attitude.

3. What is best in life?
Loved ones... And cheeseburgers

4. Do you want to live forever?
Only without aging

5. Fame or Fortune?
Fame, fortune will follow

6. What miniatures are you most proud of having painted?
ACW Armies, yet to be sold

7. How do you deal with burn out?
play more games

8. Why is a raven like a writing desk?
It's not ... Although at Ikea? Who knows

9. Star Wars of Star Trek?
Star Wars for the original three films. Star Trek the new films.

10. If you could only buy from one miniature company from now on, which one would it be?
Perry Miniatures... No contest

11. What is your favourite takeaway?

So there you have it, some random ramblings about a painter and gamer.

Cheers, for now

Sunday, 18 May 2014

But it's wrong. .... ?

I've painted my share of fantasy figures and 40k .... If in doubt I go Codex or Army book

But hIstorcals.... Well they have be right, don't they?

Even my Imagi-Nations were really PRussians and Austrians....

But I have 2 thing to paint that are testing me beyond the point... Blue goblins and WW2 Marines as VBCW Albertines... The first a commission but the second are for my long on going project

Anyone else suffer from .... But it's not right syndrome ?

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Do I have a problem?

Ever since I started in the hobby I have painted ultimately knowing I am going to sell them to fund the next project.

It started in 1989 with a minifig Samurai army .... And it's continued until last year when I sold of my 28mm Roman Army... And next year will probably see my unplayed with ACW armies being recycled... And it is really recycling as once I skim some off for bills I do end up replacing the figures or buying others.

Currently in my lead/plastic pile are

14boxes of WGF tricorns
10boxes Victrix Greek Hoplites
5boxes WGF Ceasars Romans
4boxes Perry French Infantry, 2 Currassier, 1 Hussar, 1 Dragoon,
1 British Infantry,
1 Victrix Austrian
6boxes assort Perry ACW, to go with the boxes already painted and based
7boxes assorted Perry WOTR
4boxes Perry Answar
3boxes Conflict? Norman Cavalry
360 WGF Plastic Persian Infantry

Renegade 28mm Romans 5 unit bags
Renegade 28mm Celts 5 unit Bags
renegade 28mm Saxons 5 unit bags
crusader 28mm Normans - lots
artizan 28mm Viking
renegade 28mm Napoleonic British.... A mistake 2 Bags
28mm Renegade WW1 units, for AVBCW.... Including Artillery and Cavalry and Germans
28mm Warlord and Renegade WW2 Units
28mm Foundry FPW Armies.... Big Armies

15mm PSC tanks US GB GER... Lots
15mm WW2 infantry from Battlefront - metal and plastics

10mm Celts, Romans, Macedonians, Persians, Greeks
10mm AVBCW - 4 Armies
10mm 7YW armies - blue and white

And then there is the GW LOTR, Fantasy and 40k
28mm Mantic Dwarves, Undead
GW Warmaster Orcs, High Elves

And the Mechwarrior, Hero Clix and 40mm LOTR prepainted plastic

I'm scared... LOL... All bought and paid for... All for projects that started, faltered and died... So what have I sold?

28mm Zulus - hundreds not thousands .... And the opposing British
28mm Romans - 10 cohorts plus auxilia etc
28mm ACW - both sides - twice
28mm AWI - both sides - three times
Ditched all the 15mm stuff unpainted mostly... Just remembered 15mm Medievals and Celt Warband and Samurai Armies are still on the roster

So what am I saying..... This is why I paint commissions now I think :)

Sunday, 27 April 2014

For me?

For now anyway....

29 28mm Renegade WW2 late war Germans :) DONE 27/4

Will be at the club Tuesday for Bolt Action escalation campaign 

First figures for me this year :) 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

And next is...

Austrian Artillery 28mm

wagon drivers and horses x30 - Done 24/4
Artillery and handlangers x45 - DONE 15/5
Guns and limbers x12 pieces

Ancients 28mm

12x Thracian Cavalry
12x Armoured Cavalry
120x Celt Infantry


8x 30 man Imagi-Nation units

Monday, 7 April 2014

salute post 2.... The heat is on

well I get 4 more bites at the cherry til Saturday and Salute....

While the figures are painted there is still bases and basing to go, so no club tomorrow, a sacrifice to the Sheild transfer and basing daemons of the Macedonian Pikes

Wednesday will be detailing the part painted Celts cavalry and paint the bases of everything brown

Thursday is detailing the Pathian horse archers and Varnish the Celts and Pathians...  And dry brushing and edges in earth

Friday is Flock and anything else that needs catching up on....

selling unbased figures is so much easier.... Hates bases.. Hatesss I do

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Salute Special OOB

24 28mm Macedonian Phalangites  - DONE 26/3
20 28mm Macedonian Phalangites  - DONE 5/4
20 28mm Macedonian Phalangites  - DONE 7/4

5 28mm Celt Chariots DONE 23/3

10 28mm Celt Cavalry DONE 11/4

10 28mm Parthian Horse Archers -DONE 9/4

Unit 10mm ACW Union Cavalry-DONE 27/3

Unit 10mm Persian Light Horse - DONE 31/3
Unit 10mm Macedonian Phalangites - DONE 29/3
unit 10mm Indian Javelins -DONE 3/4

January Catch Up

50 28mm Mantic Goblins - base coats done

Sunday, 2 March 2014

march OOB

on the hitlist for now

5 28mm Celt Chariots DONE 23/3
10 28mm Celt Cavalry
10 28mm Parthian Horse Archers

February Catch up
48 Grenadier Company -DONE 19/3

January Catch Up
50 28mm Mantic Goblins - base coats done

Saturday, 1 February 2014

February painting OOB

on the hitlist for now

70 28mm AWI Highlanders
And another 70 28mm Higlanders.... Because I can't multiply 6x20 properly any more....

These are for a display game at Salute... Its gonna be close this time I think
38 Light Company -DONE 17/2
48 Grenadier Company
40 Centre Company - DONE 2/3
10 High Command (actually French but not when they are painted Red)-DONE 9/2

That's 100 kilts... Oh shit oh shit oh shit

January Catch Up
24 28mm Carthaginian - DONE 3/2
50 28mm Mantic Goblins - base coats done
3.  10mm Indian Elephants - DONE 4/2

Sunday, 19 January 2014

January Painting OOB

24 28mm Thracian - DONE
24 28mm Carthaginian -DONE
24 28mm Carthaginian - DONE 23/1
24 28mm Carthaginian

50 28mm Blue Goblins

3 10mm Indian Elephants
30 10mm Roman Triarii - DONE
6 10mm Celt Chariots- DONE 27/1
6 10mm ACW Artillery - DONE 24/1