well not much painted since Wednesday, the Austrian Line units are now completed as are the Artillery stands, nothing new started despite all the best intentions last night, watched 'Hells Kitchen' trying to work out who they were, decided Rosie Boycott was voted off... Kelly is that Kelly LeBrock of 'WeirdScience' fame, dunno??
Created some statistics for the 7YW game next week in a BattleLore/Memoirs style
Line Units
Bases: 4, commanded
Moves: advance 2 hex and Battle or advance 1 hex and give Reduced Fire or stand and give Fire
Stationary Fire:4 3 2 1 causing hits on Colour and Bonus Shields
Reduced Fire: 3 2 1 causing hits on Colour and Bonus Shields
(range is the 4 3 2 1 bit - so that at range 1 hex you get 3 dice, then at
range 2 hex 3 dice, ect)
Battle (Melee); 4 dice
Grenadier Units
Bases: 4, Commanded, Bold, Stubborn, Aggressive*
Moves: advance 2 hex and Battle or advance 1 hex and give Reduced Fire or Stand and give Fire
Stationary Fire: 4 3 2 1 causing hits on Colour and Bonus Shields
Reduced Fire: 3 2 1 causing hits on colour and shields
Battle (Melee): 4 (+2 at full Strength, +1 at half Strength)* plus shields vrs Foot
Bold = Auto fight back ( no support required)
Stubborn = Ignor all push backs from FLAG dice rolls
Aggressive = adds shields to hits in melee vrs Foot
more units cards exist for Artillery, Line units with Grenadiers company, Light units, Legion units (mixed Cavalry and Infantry), Lancers, Hussars, Dragoons and Cuirrasier
The rules will work as per the cards activation system, but where the units are all commanded, an attached or adjacent command figure may be ordered to move all the units, but only the number of units on the activation card may Fire or Battle...... it makes sense if you play any 'Command and Colors' system.
Well the weekend means summit is happening, Sunday is the Playoffs for the BritBowl, so we are off to Finsbury Park to see the London Blitz, who should win thru to BritBowl at Sheffield on the 23rd. My mate has signed us up for the pre-season rookie traingin, me a 38yo GridIron Rookie, only shadowed by Rich, a 43yo Rookie.... well sort off, i played it 20 years ago befor i played Rugby and Rich played it til 8 years ago for various teams around the world, from Liverpool to Tasmania, but 8 years off havent been kind to either of us, hmmm how much weight can i loose in 2 months?? not as much as i have put on in 8 years of Lard abuse.
laters ox
More of the Frost Haven commission.
3 hours ago
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